604-910-0165 info@3dre.ca
Combining Scan data sets to Derive a new part!

Combining Scan data sets to Derive a new part!

New part derived from two parts in Geomagic DesignX from 3D Systems Corporation. We had a client that wanted to combine two parts to generate a new mount to hold a Brembo Brake on their custom build. Using our Creaform Handyscan and Geomagic Design X made this a snap...
3D Scanning Hot Tubs with the Mantis F6 Smart 3d scanner

3D Scanning Hot Tubs with the Mantis F6 Smart 3d scanner

Commonly www.3dreveng.com uses it scanning services to help customers expedite improve their manufacturing processes to manufacturing. Our latest project we used the new Mantis F6 Smart to hashtag #3dscan hot tub molds, no markers were applied and the registration is...
Using 3d scanning to expedite product design to manufacturing.

Using 3d scanning to expedite product design to manufacturing.

Commonly www.3dreveng.com uses it scanning services to help customers expedite their product design to manufacturing. The prototype was hand crafted and instead of shipping the part to the offshore manufacturing facility and using up precious time we modeled the part...
CNC Patterns and Tooling

CNC Patterns and Tooling

CNC Machine Services now Available in Vancouver BC   With our new strategic partner we can now offer large Part CNC patterns. With the BrayXL and a machine volume of 4 meters by 4 meters and a 1.5meter Z axis and full 5 axis we can machine whatever you need. We...
STL File From a 3D Scanner

STL File From a 3D Scanner

SO YOU HAVE A STL FILE FROM A 3D SCANNER NOW WHAT? What to do with a STL file! So you had your part 3D scanned and have a STL or OBL file  or a mesh file but you cannot use it! This is something I hear a lot! That is because STL files are a mesh or point cloud that...